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Why We Meet Needs
Myisha talks about the different kinds of needs that our new dinner church model is going to bring in and how we will have to work to help meet them.
Myisha talks about the different kinds of needs that our new dinner church model is going to bring in and how we will have to work to help meet them.
Why We Practice Patience
Jamin explains how evangelism and spiritual growth often takes patience and how our culture can ruin reaching people by constantly pushing us to move too quickly.
Jamin explains how evangelism and spiritual growth often takes patience and how our culture can ruin reaching people by constantly pushing us to move too quickly.
Why We See People as Jesus Did
Jamin shares a plethora of Bible stories to demonstrate how God's view of people is very different from ours…
Jamin shares a plethora of Bible stories to demonstrate how God's view of people is very different from ours. If we truly want to change the world for Christ, then we have to learn to see people as He did and treat them the way that He did.
Guest Missionaries from Bulgaria
Al and Diane Mellinger visit us from Bulgaria and inspire us to do outreach by sharing the stories of their work and by encouraging us to be…
Al and Diane Mellinger visit us from Bulgaria and inspire us to do outreach by sharing the stories of their work and by encouraging us to be the kind of disciples who breathe mission so much that they're not even fully aware of it.
Why We Disciple
An important megachurch study back in 2007 found that large churches were doing a good job at getting people saved, but not so much at discipling them…
An important megachurch study back in 2007 found that large churches were doing a good job at getting people saved, but not so much at discipling them. Jamin explains the importance of Jesus' call to make disciples and not just "saved" people and invites us into the dinner church model as a means to disciple others.
Looking for the extended version of this podcast? Reach out to Jamin.
Why We Listen to the Spirit
Jamin retells the narrative of 1208 thus far from a spiritual perspective and then shares where we believe the Spirit is moving us as we continue forward…
Jamin retells the narrative of 1208 thus far from a spiritual perspective and then shares where we believe the Spirit is moving us as we continue forward.
Why We Serve Sacrificially
As we embrace the dinner church model we find ourselves admitting that it's going to take a bit more to do church then just showing up for a service…
As we embrace the dinner church model we find ourselves admitting that it's going to take a bit more to do church then just showing up for a service. With that in mind, Myisha covers exactly why we even have to serve sacrificially in first place and how it makes our church and our spiritual lives healthy.
Throwback: "Eat" in the BELLS Model
As we preached on food this past week and move towards the dinner church model this fall, we are uploading some old episodes reflecting on food to help train us for the change.
As we preached on food this past week and move towards the dinner church model this fall, we are uploading some old episodes reflecting on food to help train us for the change.
Throwback: Eat Like Jesus
As we preached on food this past week and move towards the dinner church model this fall, we are uploading some old episodes reflecting on food to help train us for the change.
As we preached on food this past week and move towards the dinner church model this fall, we are uploading some old episodes reflecting on food to help train us for the change.
Why We Eat Together
In his book, "Jesus the Temple," Nicholas Perrin notes that, "It is widely acknowledged that keeping varied and questionable company at dinner was one of the distinctive features of Jesus’ life…”
In his book, "Jesus the Temple," Nicholas Perrin notes that, "It is widely acknowledged that keeping varied and questionable company at dinner was one of the distinctive features of Jesus’ life."
In today's message, Jamin elaborates on the power food has in life and ministry and why 1208's is incorporating food into their new model.
Why We Embrace Change
As we gear up to alter our model this fall, it's important we talk about why we even need to change as a church in the first place…
As we gear up to alter our model this fall, it's important we talk about why we even need to change as a church in the first place. The answer is pretty easy to see if we just take a look at our ordinary everyday lives. Over time we all have the ability to pick up some pretty nasty habits, which, if not kept in check, will eventually hurt us or even kill us. The church is very much the same. If we do not stay healthy as a church by embracing community, mission and communion with God, we will eventually get hurt and we may even die. The body of the Bride of Christ must stay healthy just as our normal bodies must. And it's into this analogy that Jamin dives in this message.
Paul's Comments on Women
In today's message, Jamin takes a look at Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 11 and sorts out what's at the heart of Paul's message. As it ends up, from a cultural perspective…
Much of modern misogyny in the church can be attributed to Paul’s comments on women in the Bible. But is misogyny really what Paul intended to communicate? In today's message, Jamin takes a look at Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 11 and sorts out what's at the heart of Paul's message. As it ends up, from a cultural perspective he is simply trying to establish order in light of creation, cosmology and science. All three of these points go over the heads of modern people because we think entirely different on all three subjects. Therefore, we can only truly understand what Paul is saying by getting into a head 2,000 years older than ours.
Chameleon Evangelism
So often the church takes Biblical truth and shoves it in people's faces without first submerging themselves into the world of those they're trying to reach…
So often the church takes Biblical truth and shoves it in people's faces without first submerging themselves into the world of those they're trying to reach. Such evangelism requires little sacrifice on our parts and ignores Paul's only evangelistic method to "become all things to all people." If we truly want to reach people, it often requires more effort than bold statements—though it doesn't mean we water down the Gospel either.
If in the end we are not relatable, then we can hardly be heard. God, of course, gives us the ultimate example of this truth: He puts on skin and comes and lives among us as Jesus to show us exactly what God looks like. He "chameleons" himself into the people He's reaching. He wears their skin, their culture, their understanding, their world, and in doing so, He clearly shows them who God is.
And so, this kind of chameleon evangelism is expected of us to an extent, too.
Judging Angels
In today's passage Paul rhetorically asks, "Do you not know that we are to judge angels?"—as though we would nod our heads in agreement and understanding…
In today's passage Paul rhetorically asks, "Do you not know that we are to judge angels?"—as though we would nod our heads in agreement and understanding. But truthfully, most of us would put our hands up and respond, "Actually, Paul, we don't know what you're talking about."
To understand what the apostle is saying, we have to get our head into his world and understand the spiritual mindset he lived in. Jamin works off Michael Heiser's book, The Unseen Realm, in order to establish the Bible's picture of a divine council and give some backing to Paul's blatant statement. As it ends up, he does have a context and the Bible gives us the ability to understand what he's getting at.
The Gentrification of Christianity
Just as cities often gentrify (like our own Jackson seems to currently be doing), so do our churches…
Just as cities often gentrify (like our own Jackson seems to currently be doing), so do our churches. Myisha explains how this process often works so that we can keep an eye out for the problem.
A Heavenly Reward
Paul offers a metaphor that interprets in a rather surprising way: While Christians are saved only by faith and belief in Christ, our works as Christians play a part in a reward to come in Heaven...
Paul offers a metaphor that interprets in a rather surprising way: While Christians are saved only by faith and belief in Christ, our works as Christians play a part in a reward to come in Heaven. Working with this metaphor, Jamin surveys similar explanations of the afterlife through Jesus' teachings and then invites us to let Christianity get so under our skin that our focus becomes entirely Heaven-focused. We don't need to live lives full of earthly riches now, but lives aimed at Heavenly riches later. And if we let Heaven get under our skin enough, we may just find that even basic things like our sex drives can be called into question.
The Scene of the Resurrection
There are a few interesting Biblical callbacks it seems John is giving us as he paints for us Jesus' tomb—that is, the scene of the resurrection...
There are a few interesting Biblical callbacks it seems John is giving us as he paints for us Jesus' tomb—that is, the scene of the resurrection. As we look at these possible references, we retrace the presence of God throughout history and pinpoint it on Jesus. Furthermore, we come to see Jesus' role in and as the presence of God in an important light.
The Presence of God
Because we're not used to going to temples to worship we often miss the significance of them throughout the Bible...
Because we're not used to going to temples to worship we often miss the significance of them throughout the Bible. For ancient people, temples were the places where their gods resided physically on the earth—and while Yahweh is omnipresent and everywhere, He still practiced this method of putting His concentrated presence in buildings. As it ends up, God's manifest presence has found a few homes throughout history: Eden, the tabernacle tent, Solomon's temple, Jesus, and us.
The theological impact of this message is crucial to understanding who we are as Christians, the supernatural ministerial power we can have, and the spiritual growth available to us. In today's podcast, Jamin starts at the very beginning and unfolds the story of God's temple throughout the ages and why all of this is important to us today.
Joyful Christianity
I've been really surprised that my chapter on joy in A Taste of Jesus has gotten the most comments. Apparently we have widespread difficulty in making this a part of the Christian faith...
I've been really surprised that my chapter on joy in A Taste of Jesus has gotten the most comments. Apparently we have widespread difficulty in making this a part of the Christian faith. Today I shared some thoughts on this topic with a group at the Grande Villa Retirement Home.
Holy Spirit & the Imagination
In this message, Jamin works off of 1 Corinthians to explain that whatever you do to hear yourself think is what you need to do to hear God speak...
In this message, Jamin works off of 1 Corinthians to explain that whatever you do to hear yourself think is what you need to do to hear God speak. We are all crafted differently and therefore connect with God in different ways. After explaining his own journey into discovering the Holy Spirit, he goes on to give a testimony from his life as to how he has used imagination to engage God's voice.