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The Exaltation of the Son of Man
Jamin starts at the beginning of the Bible to show the habits of humans behaving like animals and then moves into the gospels to show Jesus showing us what a true human being looks…
Jamin starts at the beginning of the Bible to show the habits of humans behaving like animals and then moves into the gospels to show Jesus showing us what a true human being looks like and how the cross goes on to exalt him to the highest place.
The Rebellion of the Tower of Babel
God wasn't upset that human beings built a tall building. Modern archeology and Hebrew word studies reveal that there's a whole lot more going in the story of the Tower of Babel.
God wasn't upset that human beings built a tall building. Modern archeology and Hebrew word studies reveal that there's a whole lot more going in the story of the Tower of Babel.
Resurrection as the Bible Explains It
What we celebrate every Easter is not just the idea that Jesus died and went to Heaven—that's not what resurrection is…
What we celebrate every Easter is not just the idea that Jesus died and went to Heaven—that's not what resurrection is. Resurrection is the putting on of a new body that's fit for the Kingdom of Heaven which God will one day establish on Earth when Jesus returns. And the Bible has a lot more to say about this important (and often ignored or misunderstood teaching) than we might think.
Kingdom Scribes
After telling parable after parable, Jesus concludes with a short parabolic-like statement about a new kind of scribe that is informed by the Kingdom of Heaven.
After telling parable after parable, Jesus concludes with a short parabolic-like statement about a new kind of scribe that is informed by the Kingdom of Heaven.
What Happened Between Noah & Ham?
Jamin has only heard one interpretation that makes sense of all the data when it comes to that strange episode of Noah passing out drunk and naked in his tent—and that interpretation is a bit odd.
Jamin has only heard one interpretation that makes sense of all the data when it comes to that strange episode of Noah passing out drunk and naked in his tent—and that interpretation is a bit odd.
Treasure Hunters
Jamin shares two short parables and then illustrates them through the life of a man from history.
Jamin shares two short parables and then illustrates them through the life of a man from history.
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Noah's Eden
As Noah gets off the Ark, we begin to see the story of Eden repeat itself—but this time with a twist. It’s not as glorious of a picture as the real Eden.
As Noah gets off the Ark, we begin to see the story of Eden repeat itself—but this time with a twist. It’s not as glorious of a picture as the real Eden.
The Prodigal Son
Pastor Paul Jones of Journey of Hope Community Church in Taylor, MI, comes out our way to share a beautiful message on the prodigal son.
Pastor Paul Jones of Journey of Hope Community Church in Taylor, MI, comes out our way to share a beautiful message on the prodigal son.
The Flood
Noah’s Ark is a famous story that many Christians have heard over and over again. But our modern minds want to know: Was it fact or legend?
Noah’s Ark is a famous story that many Christians have heard over and over again. But our modern minds want to know: Was it fact or legend? Working off of the book The Lost World of the Flood, Jamin offers a conclusion that hybrids the two possibilities.
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Enoch & the Nephilim
Genesis 5 briefly tells us about a man named Enoch who apparently didn't die but was taken to be with God, while Genesis 6 briefly tells us about how the sons of God slept with the daughters of men and beget Nephilim/giants…
Genesis 5 briefly tells us about a man named Enoch who apparently didn't die but was taken to be with God, while Genesis 6 briefly tells us about how the sons of God slept with the daughters of men and beget Nephilim/giants. We take a deep look into these passages by expounding upon them with a later Jewish writing called, "The Book of Enoch," in order to see what the Jews thought of this very strange story. While doing so, we see the New Testament surprisingly come alive with direct allusions to the "Book of Enoch," that we never saw before.
Why Doesn't God Deal with Evil Already?
Jesus tells a parable about wheat and weeds and in doing so he reveals a little bit about why the world is the way it is.
Jesus tells a parable about wheat and weeds and in doing so he reveals a little bit about why the world is the way it is.
Are We All Descendants of Adam & Eve?
Did Adam and Eve's children have to procreate with one another to bring about humanity or does Genesis offer another picture?
Did Adam and Eve's children have to procreate with one another to bring about humanity or does Genesis offer another picture?
Are there Errors in the Bible?
Many of us have grown up with an "inerrantist" view of the Bible that explains the Scriptures as perfect in every single way, down to the very last comma. But many who have taken the Bible seriously have come across many discrepancies that seem to say otherwise…
Many of us have grown up with an "inerrantist" view of the Bible that explains the Scriptures as perfect in every single way, down to the very last comma. But many who have taken the Bible seriously have come across many discrepancies that seem to say otherwise. What does this mean? Is it perfect? Or is it something else? Jamin helps us see the sacred Scriptures in the light of Godly inspiration and human hands.
The Authority of Forgiveness
The Bible talks about forgiveness in a weird way that makes it look like a power of sorts that's been imparted to the church, partially for evangelistic purposes. Jamin elaborates using the Scriptures.
The Bible talks about forgiveness in a weird way that makes it look like a power of sorts that's been imparted to the church, partially for evangelistic purposes. Jamin elaborates using the Scriptures.
The Book of Nature
It's often been said that we can study the "Book of Nature" to learn about God. There's a lot to this. But the Bible also gives us fair reason to be discerning while doing so.
It's often been said that we can study the "Book of Nature" to learn about God. There's a lot to this. But the Bible also gives us fair reason to be discerning while doing so.
In Leviticus 16 there are two goats: one given to Yahweh, and one given to Azazel. But who’s Azazel? And why is he given a goat? And what does it have to do with a message in our series on the Gospel of Matthew?…
In Leviticus 16 there are two goats: one given to Yahweh, and one given to Azazel. But who’s Azazel? And why is he given a goat? And what does it have to do with a message in our series on the Gospel of Matthew?
Learn more about tonight’s message in Michael Heiser’s book, The Unseen Realm, or in Hans Moscicke academic paper here.
Check out this podcast episode in the player above or simply subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play.
Introduction to Revelation
Since many who expressed interest were missing for our introductory class on Revelation, we've recreated it on the 1208PODCAST so that you can get caught up to speed before you join in…
Since many who expressed interest were missing for our introductory class on Revelation, we've recreated it on the 1208PODCAST so that you can get caught up to speed before you join in! The first part of the episode is an introduction to the book of Revelation and the second part is a look at Revelation 1 so that you can get a feel for the kind of things we'll be talking about. Next week's class will be on the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, so read those chapters so you're ready ahead of time.
Listen here or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play.
Genesis 3:5 says “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” However, there’s probably a better way to interpret the Hebrew here…
Genesis 3:5 says “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” However, there’s probably a better way to interpret the Hebrew here—but it requires quite a bit of explanation.