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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Cutting Covenants

Covenants were a big deal in ancient times. And that's part of what makes the details of God's covenant with Abraham so interesting.

Covenants were a big deal in ancient times. And that's part of what makes the details of God's covenant with Abraham so interesting.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley


Our guest speaker, Pastor Ranay Brown, brings us a message from Isaiah that reminds us not to assume things about the people around us.

Our guest speaker, Pastor Ranay Brown, brings us a message from Isaiah that reminds us not to assume things about the people around us.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Sons of Thunder

James and John, "The Sons of Thunder," seem to have possibly gained their nickname from their intensity, as exemplified in stories like the one we focus on here. But Jesus calls them to another way..

James and John, "The Sons of Thunder," seem to have possibly gained their nickname from their intensity, as exemplified in stories like the one we focus on here. But Jesus calls them to another way.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Number the Stars

Abraham is told to "number the stars" as an analogy towards how many children he will have. But in Abraham's world, stars would have fed this analogy in another light—the same light that…

Abraham is told to "number the stars" as an analogy towards how many children he will have. But in Abraham's world, stars would have fed this analogy in another light—the same light that Paul is going to perceive it in later in Romans.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Equality of Heaven

In one of Jesus' lesser known parables, we are reminded that Jesus extends the same generosity of salvation even to those who receive it late in life.

In one of Jesus' lesser known parables, we are reminded that Jesus extends the same generosity of salvation even to those who receive it late in life.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley


What Jesus says in Matthew 19:1-12 about relationships has a lot to say to us today in various scenarios.

What Jesus says in Matthew 19:1-12 about relationships has a lot to say to us today in various scenarios.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Mission Expansion

Pentecost is not only about Holy Spirit empowerment, but it's also about what we're empowered to do…

Pentecost is not only about Holy Spirit empowerment, but it's also about what we're empowered to do: To go into the nations and pull people out of the grip of other spiritual entities and bring them into adoption as children of the one and only God. Here's how we at 1208 are looking to expand upon our own mission to reach even more for Christ in Jackson.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley


Melchizedek shows up briefly in Genesis 14, but then becomes an important character in the Psalms and later Jewish writing. Why? That is the question we address today with Hebrews' answer.

Melchizedek shows up briefly in Genesis 14, but then becomes an important character in the Psalms and later Jewish writing. Why? That is the question we address today with Hebrews' answer.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley


Jamin takes a break in our series on Matthew to pause for a discourse on God's love.

Jamin takes a break in our series on Matthew to pause for a discourse on God's love.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Interview with Scott Smith

After his family introduced him to porn at age nine, Scott Smith eventually found his sex addiction sending him to Cell Block 7 of the Jackson State Prison with a life sentence. Intriguingly, this is where God got ahold of him quickly…

After his family introduced him to porn at age nine, Scott Smith eventually found his sex addiction sending him to Cell Block 7 of the Jackson State Prison with a life sentence. Intriguingly, this is where God got ahold of him quickly—so quickly that he was released from his life sentence in two years. Jamin got a chance to talk with Scott today to hear one of the most incredible testimonies he’s ever heard. Check it out for yourself in this week’s Midweek Edition of the 1208PODCAST.

Listen to the podcast at above or subscribe to the podcast on iTunesSpotify, or Google Play.

Check out Scott’s book on Audible, Kindle, or grab a physical copy from Amazon. Email Jamin for a free promo code for an Audible copy (while supplies last).

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

150,000 Years of Debt

What exactly is forgiveness? A lot of people think it's forgetting or pretending something didn't happen. But that's not accurate. Jamin works off of R.T. Kendall's work to help us see what exactly forgiveness is and isn't.

In today's message we look at Jesus' parable about a man who was released from a great debt, just to go and force one of his own debtors pay him. In this parable, Jesus teaches us to forgive others whatever their debt, as many times as necessary, for God has forgiven us our incredible debt. But what exactly is forgiveness? A lot of people think it's forgetting or pretending something didn't happen. But that's not accurate. Jamin works off of R.T. Kendall's work to help us see what exactly forgiveness is and isn't.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Return of the Giants

While the Nephilim don't get mentioned again until Numbers 13, the Bible in its entirety show us that there are clans of giants mentioned by other names as early as Genesis 14…

While the Nephilim don't get mentioned again until Numbers 13, the Bible in its entirety show us that there are clans of giants mentioned by other names as early as Genesis 14—just a few chapters after their origin story in Genesis 6. Seeing this requires us to pay close attention to sections of the Bible we always ignored.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The One

When the people closest to us suddenly vanish, we're often left with anger and a lack of desire to heal the relationship. But Jesus reveals something different in God's personality.

When the people closest to us suddenly vanish, we're often left with anger and a lack of desire to heal the relationship. But Jesus reveals something different in God's personality.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Undertones of Lot's Decision

Abraham and Lot decide to separate and a new scenario is written that harkens back to Eden, the flood, and Babel. Check it out in this week's podcast.

Abraham and Lot decide to separate and a new scenario is written that harkens back to Eden, the flood, and Babel. Check it out in this week's podcast.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Jesus Revealed

The transfiguration is a strange story that has left many confused as they read it. But things start to make a little more sense once we understand "shininess…”

The transfiguration is a strange story that has left many confused as they read it. But things start to make a little more sense once we understand "shininess" from a Scriptural and ancient Jewish understanding. Also, we expect to see that shininess on Jesus once we start recognizing his presence in the Old Testament.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

A Trilogy of Half-Lies

A strange story repeats itself three times throughout Genesis—twice in Abraham's life and once in Isaac's…

A strange story repeats itself three times throughout Genesis—twice in Abraham's life and once in Isaac's. In reading it, we can't help but feel like the forefathers missed the mark.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

The Man Who Brought Opponents Together

The Pharisees and Sadducees were not what you would call great friends…

The Pharisees and Sadducees were not what you would call great friends. They were separated on many fronts. But if there was one thing that unified them, it was their desire to put an end to Jesus. And perhaps this has more to speak to our world today than we first realize.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

When God "Appears" to Abraham

God has a weird way of just walking up to Abraham and talking with him. But since the Bible says you can't see God and live, what on earth is going on in these stories?

God has a weird way of just walking up to Abraham and talking with him. But since the Bible says you can't see God and live, what on earth is going on in these stories?

Some scholars have proposed an answer that makes sense of these strange passages. But it may take you some time to digest the possibility.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Miracle Food

Many are quite familiar with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000—but this isn’t the only time food is created supernaturally in the Bible.

Many are quite familiar with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000—but this isn’t the only time food is created supernaturally in the Bible.

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Sermon Jamin Bradley Sermon Jamin Bradley

Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Ancient World

Given today's technology, pregnancy and childbirth are much more efficient than they once were. As we gaze into the world of the Ancient Near East, we see that miscarriages and infant deaths were commonplace…

Given today's technology, pregnancy and childbirth are much more efficient than they once were. As we gaze into the world of the Ancient Near East, we see that miscarriages and infant deaths were commonplace. We also see the cultural reasons as to why parents wanted children—and lots of them! Learning all of this helps us see the stories in the Bible a little more clearly.

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