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The Rise of the Water Kingdom
In light of our natural breaking point in Genesis, Jamin takes a break to give a quick sample of his new book/audiobook, "The Rise of the Water Kingdom."
In light of our natural breaking point in Genesis, Jamin takes a break to give a quick sample of his new book/audiobook, "The Rise of the Water Kingdom." Ask him for a free PDF or audiobook copy via our contact form (while supplies last). Paperback and Kindle options can be found on Amazon.
Angels and demons. Zombies and ghosts. Water serpents and cyborg dragons. Heaven and Hell. Politics and religion. Brennan and Kahli experience it all when their lives are flipped upside down by a miracle man named, Sarx, who is on a mission to install a kingdom on the earth that will overthrow the great dragon and end the corruption that plagues it. As this allegorical fantasy unfolds, you just might find yourself seeing the gospel story in a whole new light.
Abraham and the Hittites
After Sarah dies at an old age, Abraham tries to buy some burial ground for her—and there's something important going on here that we might easily miss if we don't pay attention.
After Sarah dies at an old age, Abraham tries to buy some burial ground for her—and there's something important going on here that we might easily miss if we don't pay attention.
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Reading Genesis 22 feels a lot like watching a psychological horror movie. Fortunately, however, we find in this passage that God is a good God whose test illustrates many important theological points after Abraham passes it.
Reading Genesis 22 feels a lot like watching a psychological horror movie. Fortunately, however, we find in this passage that God is a good God whose test illustrates many important theological points after Abraham passes it.
A deeper look at a lesser known story of Abraham's covenant with Abimelech.
A deeper look at a lesser known story of Abraham's covenant with Abimelech. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play.
Sodom and Gomorrah
Today we dive deep into Genesis 19 in attempts to extract as much information as possible on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Today we dive deep into Genesis 19 in attempts to extract as much information as possible on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Journey to Sodom and Gomorrah
God and two angels walk up to Abraham at his tent. It sounds like the start of a joke, but it’s actually a real Bible story that leads to an intriguing conversation…
God and two angels walk up to Abraham at his tent. It sounds like the start of a joke, but it’s actually a real Bible story that leads to an intriguing conversation in which Abraham tries to negotiate with God on an issue of judgment. We dive deep into this passage and find many curious Biblical themes at work in this passage.
Today we often name children after names we like the sound of. But in ancient times, names carried more meaning and weight…
Today we often name children after names we like the sound of. But in ancient times, names carried more meaning and weight. In today’s episode we dive deeper into the Scriptures to uncover some of the customs behind names and naming in ancient times.
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What's the big deal with circumcision in the Bible? Jamin takes a look at it from an Old Testament and New Testament perspective.
What's the big deal with circumcision in the Bible? Jamin takes a look at it from an Old Testament and New Testament perspective.