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1208WORSHIP Quarantine Album
Original, unpolished, messy worship—just like 1208. These songs were recorded for our online worship services during the COVID-19 quarantine.
Original, unpolished, messy worship—just like 1208. These songs were recorded for our online worship services during the COVID-19 quarantine. You can stream the album here or download the whole album here.
Free Prayer Music from Jamin
There’s a strange story in the Bible where the prophet Elisha seems to need a musician to engage the presence of God and hear His voice. (2 Kings 3:15). Using music for this purpose is one of my greatest joys as a musician…
There’s a strange story in the Bible where the prophet Elisha seems to need a musician to engage the presence of God and hear His voice. (2 Kings 3:15). Using music for this purpose is one of my greatest joys as a musician. Therefore, I hope this new little instrumental EP can play a part in helping you engage the Holy Spirit.
"(kabôd). n. masc. glory, honor, divine presence. Often refers to manifestations of the presence of God in the tabernacle or temple; can also refer to the reputation or character of God or, occasionally, men. The term kabôd very often occurs together with the divine name; God’s kabôd is sometimes framed as an attribute that God possesses, while at other times it is framed as his actual presence." (Lexham Theological Wordbook)
Learn Future 1208WORSHIP Songs
Want to learn songs that we're thinking of doing down the road ahead of time? Just check out our playlist on iTunes!
Want to learn songs that we're thinking of doing down the road ahead of time? Just check out our playlist on iTunes!